Making our way to assist others.
Company Overview
Employment Network Hawaii is a family owned and operated corporation founded in 1998 on the beautiful and tropical Big Island of Hawai’i.
Employment Network Hawaii was born out of the employment need of our son with developmental disabilities and has grown every year to serve many individuals and businesses worldwide.
Through much hard work, family support and determination; together with our children Zeb, Kimberly, Jessie, Shane, Skylar, Season and Shanelle, Employment Network Hawai’i has risen to meet the Supported Employment needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Joining together families, caregivers, teachers and attendants from Hawaii, Japan, Taiwan, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and beyond. Employment Network Hawai’i seeks to provide gainful wage employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Employment Network Hawaii works regularly with the Hawaii Island Joint Education Committee which consists of both the Hawai’i Island Chamber of Commerce and Big Island Japanese Chamber of Commerce. This committee, is made up of dynamic business and education leaders, including Workforce Development, University of Hawai’i at Hilo, UH Astronomy and many other in our community and state.
Our business-to-business services include job placement, on-the-job training and accommodation assistance and understanding. We offer vocational training, employment services and provider services for individuals with disabilities.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to be Hawaii’s Big Island premier job trainer/employer of individuals with disabilities, expanding employment opportunities through agriculture and/or horticulture and other activities to provide meaningful, compassionate and successful employment.
Employment Network Hawaii will pray and seek God’s favor to train and employ individuals with disabilities, believing that God has called us for this purpose.
We will pursue the respect due, that freedom deserved and the health and welfare of all individuals with disabilities, considering it pure joy to serve God by meeting their needs. Therefore we believe that:
“Whatsoever you have done for the least of these (people), you have done it unto me (Jesus),” Matthew 25:40 Holy Bible Scriptures.
Our Goal
To create partnerships among stakeholders of people with disabilities and key agency personnel to work towards and advise the development of Medicaid work incentives and Medicaid Supported Employment PAS benefit for persons meeting eligibility criteria defined in this project.
Everyday we work with employers, schools and other service providers to foster a good employment relationship between individuals with disabilities and the general work world; we welcome you to work with us!
For more information on work and disabilities – here is everything you ever wanted to know!
Contact us Toll FREE at (855) 930-6200 or contact@enhawaii.com