FREE Assistance – Call Today
Free Assistance to Ticket Holders
Employment Network Hawaii works with the Social Security Administration to provide FREE work related services to qualified beneficiaries of SSI and/or SSDI through the Ticket to Work Program.
If you are between the ages of 18 and 64, receive SSI and/or SSDI and would like to work, Employment Network Hawaii can help. Services that we provide include but are not limited to:
- Resume Writing
- Job Search
- On-the-Job Training
- Accommodation/Retention Assistance
- Benefits Planning (We will offer this service on the 1st of August 2020)
A Ticket to Work participant who assigns their Ticket to a Workforce EN will either work with a Workforce directly or via other providers in the workforce system, including American Job Centers. If you choose to work with an Employment Network, it’s important to choose one that will provide the services you need to support your work goals. Not all EN’s provide the same services, so it is important to ensure that you find the right EN for you. Our fact sheet, “Choosing the Right Employment Network for You” will guide you through the decision making process.
Did not receive a “TICKET” in the mail? Do not worry, just give Britney L. Young a call, she is our Ticket to Work Employment Specialist. She can assist you with that and any additional questions you may have.
Call Toll Free (855) 930-6200 or Email contact@enhawaii.com
For Further Information
Further information is contained in the publication Red Book on Work Incentives; a Summary Guide to Social Security and Supplemental Income Work Incentives for People with Disabilities.
You can get a copy FREE from your local Social Security Administration office, by calling (800) 772-1213 or simply CLICK HERE for a FREE copy of the Red Book!
Additional information regarding the Ticket to Work Program: www.choosework.ssa.gov